A sentinel, the cat.

Not that he’s guarding my house from danger, but that he hisses at conventional literature. He can sniff the blight and he skips through it. But he would dig into literary narrative with the left paw, with the right, he thrashes traditional expectations. That’s my cat!

About bread...

"This must be the smell of life. I don’t know how else to describe this sensation. So simple, yet so deeply rooted inside my brain. Bread can keep me alive, or maybe I’m alive so I can eat bread. So powerful, so elemental. And it doesn’t matter where I am, what city, what continent. This smell burs inside of me and reaches the core of my existence. More compelling than ecstasy, more potent than fear. I think of bread as the primordial substance. The man makes bread so he can continue to be a man who eats bread. Circular, never ending." --Viator

Flaubert on books and pyramids

"Books aren't made in the way that babies are: they are made like pyramids. There's some long-pondered plan, and then great blocks of stone are placed one on top of the other, and it's back-breaking, sweaty, time-consuming work. And all to no purpose! It just stands like that in the desert! But it towers over it prodigiously." --Gustave Flaubert

Winterson on art as antimatter...

"It is certainly true that a criterion for true art, as opposed to its cunning counterfeit, is its ability to take us where the artist has been, to this other different place where we are free from the problems of gravity. When we are drawn into the art we are drawn out of ourselves. We are no longer bound by matter, matter has become what it is: empty space and light." --Jeanette Winterson


When the path becomes a river, and the waters burn. When a step is nothing but a dream. When leaping forward grows flowers on its skin, we know we are viators. So we burst, ahead.

Enrique Vila-Matas on writing...

"He admirado siempre los escritores que cada día emprenden un viaje hacia lo desconicido y sin embargo están todo el tiempo sentados en una habitación. Las puertas de sus cuartos están cerradas, nunca se mueven, y sin embargo el confinamiento les proporciona una absoluta libertad para ser quienes deseen ser, para ir donde les lleven sus pensamientos." --Riba in "Dublinesca"

Before the next book I stand.

“Finding yourself in a hole, at the bottom of a hole, in almost total solitude, and discovering that only writing can save you. To be without the slightest subject for a book, the slightest idea for a book, is to find yourself, once again, before a book. A vast emptiness. A possible book. Before nothing. Before something like living, naked writing, like something terrible, terrible to overcome.” 

 --Marguerite Duras, Writing