Vargas Llosa on the Death of Culture

“It is not ­surprising that the most representative literature of our times is ‘light,’ easy literature, which, without any sense of shame, sets out to be — as its ­primary and almost exclusive objective — entertaining. Chefs and fashion designers now enjoy the prominence that before was given to scientists. The vacuum left by the disappearance of criticism has been filled, imperceptibly, by advertising. Today . . . people usually play sports at the expense of, and instead of, intellectual pursuits. Today, the mass consumption of marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, crack, heroin, etc., is a response to a social environment that pushes men and women towards quick and easy pleasure.”

--Notes on the Death of Culture by Mario Vargas Llosa

Author | Reader Counterbalance

In the act of reading, we are to undergo a kind of transformation, such as W. Booth has described in connection with fiction in general: "The author creates, in short, an image of himself and another image of his reader; he makes his reader, as he makes his second self, and the most successful reading is one in which the created selves, author and reader, can find complete agreement."

On Authenticity...


“Human beings are normally complex rather than seamless abstractions. Individual people have added one identity to another in ways that strain the very concept of identity. We need to learn how to negotiate the otherness of the world. Real authenticity means being more than one.” --Doris Sommer

The Lost Identity of Our Sounds

"Because all the sounds, once their time is past, enter a vast amalgam of vibrations that merges and travels to the stars. Other sounds get absorbed by material bodies in close proximity, like people, animals, plants, concrete, and dirt. These bodies vibrate in turn and produce their own sounds that will travel to the stars as well. Every audible entity rises to the stratosphere and loses itself in the process." --The Lesser Violin

The Art of Disruption

"That's why I have said that art is energy. That energy is achieved by disrupting the normative art form, which creates fissures in the form along which the energy travels and along which the audience achieves, accomplishes, perceives it, receives and transforms it... In art, in writing: passion, intelligence, vision, imagination, intuition provide the heat that causes the disruption. New form is revealed." ---From IS by Martin Nakell

On Creativity...

Perhaps the nature of creativity is not vertical but horizontal. Perhaps there are no hierarchies, prescribed orders, or canonical convictions. The tree makes music as beautiful as the snake with its sinusoidal rhythm that sounds as mesmerizing as the storm ripping apart the earth with the cadence of its waves and the pizzicato of rain drops landing on the back of slaves who moan a song as ancient as all the hurt in the world. We are all playing in the field of the gods, creating when the gods are not looking. --The Lesser Violin

The wisdom of my characters.

I wish I had the wisdom of my characters. I wish I could source words out of thin air, I wish I could chew on grass and distil wisdom, I wish I could compose a fragrance and die by it, I wish I could speak like a bird, I wish my body could vibrate and sing eternal songs, I wish I could get naked and offer my robe to the hateful, I wish I could walk the nights and talk to the cats, I wish I could paint the face of everyman.

But no, that is not happening.